La Follette's survey

Fig. 2. Extant remains of the Baths of Decius superimposed on the Palladio plan and modern buildings and streets. After La Follette (1994)

In the 1980s La Follette surveyed the ancient remains on the privately-owned site of the casale and tinello Torlonia, near the Piazza del Tempio di Diana.n30 The most impressive standing element documented by La Follette is the NW exedra of room E (fig. 2, "1") where the ancient wall is preserved to a height approximately 6.60 m above the modern floor. La Follette's survey also mapped several walls preserved at the basement level, including the NE and SE walls of room E, most of the walls of room D, the NW wall of room F, part of the wall dividing rooms F and F3 and part of the wall dividing rooms C and C4. In addition La Follette's survey documented two huge brick arches immured in the SW wall of the casale Torlonia (fig. 2, "2") and a short stretch of the foundation for the SW wall of room E' (fig. 2, "3"). Most importantly, La Follette's survey fixed the topographical position and orientation of the baths and generally confirmed the reliability of Palladio's sketch and the accuracy of his measurements.

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