Work list

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Additional links:
Writings: an overview
Principal manuscript sources: a brief sketch
[Links to full descriptions of all sources will follow in due course.]

I. Treatises

Manuscript sigla:

 Bc Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS 130. B. 2
(Italy, late 15th century)
 Br Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale, MS II 4147
(Naples, early 1480s)
Brief description
Full description
 Bu Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS 2573
(Naples, ? 1490s)
Brief description
 C Cambrai, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS A16
(? North-East France, late 15th century)
 F Florence, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, MS Plut. XXIX. 48
(Italy, late 15th century)
 G Ghent, Rijksuniversiteit Centrale Bibliotheek, MS 70
(Ghent, 1504)
 V Valencia, Biblioteca General i Històrica de la Universitat, MS 835 (olim 844)
(Naples, ? 1483–5)
Brief description


 Treatise & Principal Source(s)
(approximate chronological order of final versions)
 Date  Edition
Speculum musices
(Lost: contents perhaps incorporated into later treatises)
? Before c. 1472
? Orléans/Chartres


Expositio manus
(Br; Bu; V)
c. 1472–73
Seay 1975: i. 27–57
trans. Seay 1965 (not recommended)
Proportionale musices
(Bc; Br; Bu; F; G; V;
also Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale, MS II 4149)
Before c. 1475 (after (2))
Seay 1975: iia; Woodley 1982
trans. Seay 1979 (not recommended)
Liber imperfectionum notarum musicalium
(Br; Bu; G; V)
Before c. 1475 (after (3))
Seay 1975: i. 139-67
Tractatus de regulari valore notarum
(Br; Bu; V)
Before c. 1475 (after (4))
Seay 1975: i. 121–38
Tractatus de notis et pausis
(Br; Bu; G; V)
? Before c. 1475–80 (after (5))
Seay 1975: i. 105–20
Tractatus alterationum
(Br; Bu; G; V)
? Before c. 1475–80
Seay 1975: i. 169–79
Scriptum ... super punctis musicalibus
(Br; Bu; G; V)
? Before c. 1475–80
Seay 1975: i. 181–98
Liber de natura et proprietate tonorum
(Br; Bu; V)
Completed 6 Nov 1476
Seay 1975: i. 59–104
trans. Seay 1976 (not recommended)
Liber de arte contrapuncti
(Br; Bu; V)
Completed 11 Oct 1477
Seay 1975: ii. 5–157
trans. Seay 1961 (not recommended)
Complexus effectuum musices
(Br; C; G)
First version before 1475;
rev. & enlarged (within (12))
c. 1481–83
Seay 1975: ii. 159–77; Strohm & Cullington 1996; Zanoncelli 1979; Woodley 1985
De inventione et usu musice
Printed unicum of extracts ([Naples: Mathias Moravus], c. 1481–83) in Regensburg, Bischöflichen Zentralbibliothek, Proske-Musikbibliothek, H. 15;
other extracts in C, fols. 8
Complete work [lost]
c. 1481, Naples; printed extracts c. 1481–83 [Naples]
Weinmann 1961; Woodley 1985
Terminorum music[a]e diffinitorium
Rev. version printed Gerardus de Lisa, [Treviso,] c. 1495
MS sources: Br; Bc
First version before 1475 (after (3)): Naples; rev. version c. 1495 Panti 2004; Parrish 1978; facs. edn. Gülke 1983


II. Other significant writings

Articuli et ordinatione dell'ordine del Toson d'oro
[Articles and instructions of the Order of the Golden Fleece]
Italian trans. from Burgundian French
Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS XIV. D. 20
c. 1474–77
Woodley 1988; see also D'Agostino 1999
Letter to Joanmarco Cinico
Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS XII. F. 50, fols. 11–14
c. 1495
Woodley 1988 (& partial facs.)


Note: Other letters probably written (cf. Trithemius 1495; Woodley 1981: 247), but lost. A second letter was possibly bound at some stage (in the 16th century?) with (15) above: see Woodley 1988: 196. See also the printed, dedicatory letter to Johannes Stokem bound with the Regensburg print of (12): Weinmann 1961: 27–8.


III. Music

A. Masses

Mass: L'Homme armé 4 vv.
(Additional texts incorporated:
Kyrie: 'Cunctorum plasmatorum summus';
Sanctus: 'Cherubim ac Seraphim ceterique spiritus angelici'; Osanna: 'Pueri Hebreorum')
Vatican Library, Cappella Sistina, MS 35, fols. 84
? c. 1480–85 Melin 1976: 74–114
Mass 4 vv. [untitled]
Gloria, Credo (truncated), Sanctus only
Milan, Archivio della Cappella Musicale del Duomo, Librone 2 [olim MS 2268]), fols. 37
? Late 1470s Melin 1976: 55–73
('Missa sine nomine No. 3')
Mass 3 vv. [untitled: low clefs]
Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS 755, fols. 17
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fol. 86
v (part: 'Domine Deus rex celestis': see Blackburn 1981)
? 1470s or 1480s
(inscription to Ferrante: see Biographical Outline:
Melin 1976: 1–32
('Missa sine nomine No. 1')
Mass 3 vv. [untitled: high clefs]
Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS 759, fols. 25
? 1470s or 1480s Melin 1976: 33-54
('Missa sine nomine No. 2')
Mass: Hélas ? vv.
(Lost: cited by Gafori in his Tractatus practicabilium proportionum (Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 69, fol. 20
v), and in letter from Giovanni del Lago to Lorenzo Gazio: see Blackburn 1991: 832. Perhaps based on (30) below, or on Caron's Hélas, que pourra devenir.)
? Late 1470s


Mass: Nos amis ? vv.
(Lost: cited by Tinctoris in the prologue to his Tractatus alterationum; probably based on song by Basin; identified by Strohm 1979 as surviving in Prague, Strahov Monastery Library, MS D. G. IV. 47, but now regarded as unlikely. (Also concordances in Hradec Králové, Muzeum, MS II. A. 7 (Codex Speciálník), pp. 168–70 and Trent 89.) The attribution to Tinctoris in Speciálník, pp. 256–61 of the Credo from Josquin's Missa 'L'ami Baudichon' is also mistaken.)
? Before c. 1475–80



B. Other works with Latin texts or titles (alphabetical order)

Difficiles alios delectat pangere cantus 3 vv.
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fols. 118
Incipit only, ascr. 'Tentoris'; see especially Blackburn 1991.
Pedagogical 'motet', perhaps eliciting as a response Gafori's lost Nunc eat et veteres, cited as dedicated to Tinctoris in Gafori's Tractatus practicabilium proportionum, early 1480s: Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 69, fols. 2
? 1470s (before 1477) Blackburn 1981: 105–16 (& facs.)
Gaude Roma vetus ? vv.
(Lost: text given in Johannes Burckard, Liber notarum; see Woodley 1981: 237–8. Text and music composed by Tinctoris in celebration of the enthronement of Rodrigo Borgia as Pope Alexander VI (26 August 1492); originally intended for performance after the Offertory at Mass on the second Sunday in Advent (9 December) 1492, but this performance did not take place.)
c. 1492 Text pr. Woodley 1981: 238
Lamentationes Jeremie 4 vv.
Printed Petrucci, Lamentationes, i (Venice, 1506), fols. 2
? 1490–1500 Melin 1976: 115–24
O virgo, miserere mei 3 vv.
Yale University, Beinecke Library, MS 91
(Mellon Chansonnier), fols. 24
Before 1476 Melin 1976: 125–6;
Perkins & Garey 1979: ii. 85 (& facs.)
Pater rerum [? recte Preter rerum]
sometimes misread as Ante pater rerum
(Lost: cited by Gafori in his Tractatus practicabilium proportionum, early 1480s (Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 69, fol. 20
v; according to Gafori, dedicated to the King of Hungary, i.e. Matthias Corvinus.
[Note that an anonymous 4 vv. motet Incomprehensibilia firme tua/Preter rerum ordinem appears in Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS 755, fols. 101
v–104 (cf. 18 above): provisionally attributed to Busnoys in Wegman 1990 and Wegman 1999; unlikely to be by Tinctoris.]
? Late 1470s

Virgo dei throno digna 3 vv.
Berlin, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, MS 40098 (Glogauer Liederbuch), No. 259;
Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS 2573 (Bu), fols. 1
Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS Banco Rari 229, fols. 19
Munich, Universitätsbibliothek, MSS 322–325, No. 7;
New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, MS 91 (Mellon Chansonnier), fols. 80
St Gall, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 463 (Tschudi Liederbuch), No. 14 (Superius only);
Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, MS 757, fols. 6
Printed Petrucci, Motetti A (Venice, 1502), fols. 49
Before 1476;
perhaps composed for betrothal or wedding of Beatrice d'Aragona to Matthias Corvinus of Hungary (1475–6)
Melin 1976: 126–8;
Perkins & Garey 1979: ii. 195 (& facs.)
Miscellaneous instructional or exemplary pieces with Latin title or text:
Alleluia [i] 2 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 22, plus
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, p. 290 ('Si bona'; anon.);
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fol. 82
v (textless; anon.);
Segovia, Catedral, MS without shelfmark, fol. 204 (textless) (Blackburn 1981: 36 and 48)
1477 or before Melin 1976: 128–9; Seay 1975: ii. 119–20; O'Donoghue 1972: 119–20
Alleluia [ii] 2 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 21, plus
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, p. 297 ('Deus alleluia'; anon.);
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fol. 84 (textless; anon.) (Blackburn 1981: 36 and 49)
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 113–14; O'Donoghue 1972: 125
Alleluia [iii] 2 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, plus
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, p. 289 ('michi'; anon.);
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fol. 89 (textless; anon.) (Blackburn 1981: 36 and 48)
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 114–15; O'Donoghue 1972: 118
Alleluia [iv] 2 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 21, plus
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, p. 289 ('Do[...]'; anon.);
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fol. 88
v (textless; anon.) (Blackburn 1981: 36 and 48)
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 116–17; O'Donoghue 1972: 117
Beatissima Beatrix 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 25, plus
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, p. 286 (textless; anon.);
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fols. 115
v–116 (textless, anon.) (Blackburn 1981: 39 and 48)
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 128–30; O'Donoghue 1972: 111–12
Catherina sponsa Dei 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 27, plus
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fol. 107 (textless, anon.) (Blackburn 1981: 38)
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 135–6
Deo gratias 5 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 107–10
  [Deus alleluia: see (b) Alleluia above]    
  [Do[...]: see (d) Alleluia above]    
  [Ego volo: see (y) Virginis Marie laudes below]    
[Fecit potentiam 2 vv.]
Segovia, Catedral, MS without shelfmark, fol. 205
No ascription: authorship uncertain though implicit from MS context
[? 1470s] Melin 1976: 129
Kyrie Dic Domine 3 vv.
Expositio manus:
Possibly composed after main text, and not an intrinsic part of, the treatise; only in Br, fol. 9
1470s Seay 1975: i. 56–7
Lauda Syon salvatorem [i] 'faubourdon' 3 vv. (2 vv. notated)
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 1, Ch. 5
Text given only in Br, fol. 57
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 27
Lauda Syon salvatorem [ii] 2 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 22
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 121
Magne doctor Augustine 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 28
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 137
Martine presul inclyte 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch.26
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 131
  [Mihi: see (c) Alleluia above]    
  [Nolo: see (y) Virginis Marie laudes below]    
O Barbara virgo pulcherrima 2 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 3, Ch. 3
Text of upper voice given in Br, fol. 98 as '[V]ray dieu d'amer, conforte l'amoureux qui nuit et jour': identified as chanson by Pipelare in Cross 1969.
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 148–9
O Deus princeps celorum 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 34
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 145; see also Woodley 2006a: 27
O Georgi regnans feliciter 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 3, Ch. 5
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 151
O mater Dei, memento mei 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book, Ch. 2
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 147
Omnes sancti gloriosi 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 32
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 141–2
O preco 4 vv; 2 partes
Inscribed 'Bene correctum est | Tintoris' in Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, pp. 259–62, but attribution unlikely: see Blackburn 1981, 47 and 52–3.
O'Donoghue: 91–104; partial in Blackburn 1981: 54
O precor 4 vv.
Resolution of secunda pars of (s) ('ad longum'): see Blackburn 1981: 48. Unlikely to be by Tinctoris?
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, pp. 263–4 (anon.)
O'Donoghue: 105–10
Qui regnas in celestibus 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 3, Ch. 6
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 152–3
Salve martyr virgoque Barbara 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 23
Second section: 'Sis meritis nobis et precibus propicia'
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 122–4
Sancte Johannes baptista 3 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 24, plus
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, p. 288 (textless; anon.);
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fols. 108
v–9 (textless; anon.) (Blackburn 1981: 38 and 48)
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 125–7; O'Donoghue 1972: 115–16
Sanctus 2 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 22, plus
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, p. 296 ('Si vis'; anon.);
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fols. 83
v and 87v (textless; anon.) (Blackburn 1981: 48)
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 117–19; O'Donoghue 1972: 121
  [Si bona: see (a) Alleluia above]    
  [Si vis: see (x) Sanctus above]    
Virginis Marie laudes intonent Christiani 2 vv.
Liber de arte contrapuncti, Book 2, Ch. 21, plus
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, p. 296 ('Nolo'; anon.);
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fol. 88 (textless; anon.) (Blackburn 1981: 48. See ibid. for ostensibly separate piece Ego uolo.)
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 110–12; O'Donoghue: 122


C. Works with vernacular texts or titles

Le souvenir 4 vv.
(after Discantus of song by Morton)
Segovia, Catedral, MS without shelfmark, fols. 116v–117
Incipit only: instrumental?
unknown Melin 1976: 135–6
Hélas 3 vv.
Berlin, Preussische Staatsbibliothek, MS 40098 (Glogauer Liederbuch), No. 269;
Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS Banco Rari 229, fols. 214v–215;
Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS Panciatichi 27, fols. 47v–48;
Segovia, Catedral, MS without shelfmark, fol. 184 ('Elaes abraham': ascr. Compère);
Seville, Biblioteca Columbina, MS 5-I-43, fols. 44v–45 ('Hélas le bon temps que j'avoie');
Printed Petrucci, Odhecaton A (Venice, 1501), fols. 57v–58
Generally incipit only: instrumental?
? 1470s Melin 1976, 130–1; Hewitt 1942: 331–2 (from Petrucci); Brown 1983: 460
O invida fortuna 3 vv. (Italian text)
Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS Magl. XIX, 176, fols. 86v–87
? 1470s–early 1480s Melin 1976: 133–4
Vostre regart 3 vv. (rondeau)
Dijon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 517, fols. 20
Florence, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS Magl. XIX, 176, fols. 3
Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, f. fr. 15123 (Pixérécourt Chansonnier), fols. 120
Seville, Biblioteca Columbina, MS 5-I-43, fols. 85
Washington, Library of Congress, MS M2.1 L25 Case (Laborde Chansonnier), fols. 79
? 1460s-early 1470s Melin 1976: 131–2 (partial text only;
full text in Droz 1927: 46
Comme femme [2 vv.: 'Duo' in margin]
(after ? Binchois)
Segovia, Catedral, MS without shelfmark, fol. 205
Incomplete superius only
Incipit only: instrumental?
unknown Melin 1976: 144–6
(tenor editorially added)
De tous biens playne 2 vv.
(after Hayne van Ghizeghem)
Segovia, Catedral, MS without shelfmark, fol. 202
Incipit only: instrumental?
unknown Melin 1976: 141–2
D'ung aultre amer 2 vv.
(after Ockeghem)
Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71, p. 297 (anon.);
Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013, fol. 89
v (textless; anon.);
Segovia, Catedral, MS without shelfmark, fol. 204 ('Ung aultre amer'; 'Johannes Tinctoris')
Incipit only: instrumental? (Blackburn 1981: 37 and 49)
unknown Melin 1976: 143
Le souvenir 2 vv.
(after tenor of song by Morton)
Segovia, Catedral, MS without shelfmark, fol. 203
Incipit only: instrumental?
unknown Melin 1976: 137–8
Tout a par moy 2 vv.
(after ? Frye)
Segovia, Catedral, MS without shelfmark, fols. 204
Incipit only: instrumental?
unknown Melin 1976: 138–40
Miscellaneous instructional or exemplary pieces with vernacular title or text:    
J'aime qui m'aime 2 vv. (extract?)
Liber de arte contrapuncti
Text probably rondeau by Charles d'Orléans
1477 or before Seay 1975: ii. 146; probable text in Champion 1966: ii. 326
O rosa bella/L'Homme armé 2 vv. (combinatorial chanson: extract?)
Proportionale musices, Book 3, Ch. 4
before c. 1475 Seay 1975: iia. 51; Woodley 1982: i. 291 and ii. 366
Pour vous belle [me fault morir] 3 vv. (extract?)
Proportionale musices, Book 3, Ch. 4
before c. 1475 Seay 1975: iia. 51 [erroneously 'Pour vous la belle']; Woodley 1982: i. 289 and ii. 365


Plus numerous other short, untitled instructional pieces and examples throughout the treatises; some also in Perugia, Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, MS 1013 and Bologna, Civico Museo Bibliografico Musicale, MS A 71: see especially Seay 1975; Blackburn 1981: esp. 36–9 and 47–9; O'Donoghue 1972; and Woodley 1982.